The best way of understanding psychological research methods is to read in detail about the studies which have been done and build on this. Few psychological textbooks give research in sufficient d…
This part introduces readers to different research traditions, with the advice that ‘fi tness for purpose’ must be the guiding principle: different research paradigms for different research pu…
Just close your eyes for a minute and utter the word research to yourself. What kinds of images does this word conjure up for you? Do you visualize a lab with scientists at work with Bunsen burner…
The term methodology refers to the way in which we approach problems and seek answers. In the social sciences, the term applies to how research is conducted. Our assumptions, interests, and purpose…
Cultural beliefs are another common source of knowledge. For example, our ideas about race and racism have changed over time as our culture has changed. In order to understand how biased our cultur…
Buku ini berisi analisis atas mandat dan kinerja selama 5 tahun menggambarkan kondisi dan fakta nyata kiprah dosen dan sivitas akademika, termasuk juga yang dijalankan oleh LP2M. Ada capaian-capaia…