This text is written for student. It's meant ti give a sense of what economics is, how economists think, and how they approach policy problem. There's only so much that an introductory course can cover, which means that much is left out. That includes much of the subtlety of economic thinking. This book consist of third part. The first part discuss about introduction : thingking like an economist, include economics and economic reasoning, the production possibility model, trae, and globalization, economic institutions, supply and demand, also using supply and demand. The second part consist of seven section. The first section discuss the powe of traditional economic models include describing supply and demand : elasticities, taxation and government intervention, market failure versus government failure, and about politics and economics : the case of agricultural markets. The second part discuss intenational economic policy issues include comparative advantage, exchange rates, and globalization, and discuss international trade policy. The third section discuss production and cost analysis. The fourth section discuss market structure include perfect competition, monopoly and monopolistic competition, oligopoly and antitrust policy, and real-world competition and technology. The fifth section discuss factor markets include work and the labor market, nonwage and asset income : rents profits and interest, and who gets what? The distribution of income. The sixth section discuss about choice and decision making include the logic of individual choice : the foundation of supply and demand; game theory, strategic decision making, and behavioral economics. The sevent section discuss modern economic thinking include thinking like a modern economist; behavioral economics and modern economic policy; and microeconomic policy, economic reasoning, and beyond. The third part consist of six section include macroeconomic basics, policy models, finance, money, and the economy, taxes, budgets, and fiscal policy, macroeconomic problems, also about international macroeconomic policy issues.
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