Layth Suud Jassim & Eeman Mohd. Abbas , Jadaliyat al-Alaqah al-Ulum al-Shariyyah wa’l Ulum. Raihanah Abdullah , Inserting stipulation pertaining to polygamy in a. Moch. Nur Ichwan , Governing Hajj : Politics of Islamic pilgrimage se. Mujiburrohman , State policies on religious diversity in Indonesia. Badrus Soleh , Conflict, jihad, and religious identity in Maluku,. Muhammad Wildan , Mapping radical Islamism in Solo : a Study of the. Ali Mabrook , The Asharite Gogma : the Root of the Arab/Muslim A. Ammar Jasim Muhammad Al-Ubaydi , Dirasah Istiqraiyyah Naqdiyyah li turuq hadith All