Sujadi , Persatuan Pemuda Muslim se-Eropa : Its Qualified Founders, Progression and Nature. Ismatu Ropi , Islamism, Government Regulation, and the Ahmadiyah Controversies in Indonesia. Eka Srimulyani , Islam, Adat, and The State : Matrifocality in Aceh Revisited. Christina DeGregorio , Islamism in Politics : Integration and Persecution in Egypt. Euis Nurlaelawati , Zakat and the Concept of Ownership in Islam : Yusuf Qaradawi Perspective on Islamic Ekonomics. Munirul Ikhwan , Western Studies of the Quranic Narrative : from the Historical Orientation into the Literary Analysis. Ali Mabrook , Naqd Ibn Taymiyya Lil Shia min Khilal Kitabah Minhaj al Sunna al Nabawiyya. Hamza Abd al Karim Hammad , Al Qisas fi ma duna I Nafs Bayna I Abb wa Ibnih fi Daw Nazariyyat al Taassuf fi Istimal al Haq fii fiqh al Islamy. Abdul Jalil , Al Way al Tarikhiy fil Tafsir al Quraniy: Nazariyyat al Way al Tarikhiy ind Gadamer fi Khilal Tafsir Jami al Ahkam lil Qurtubiy