elf-regulated learning (SRL) empowers students to take responsibility for their academic journey, giving them the flexibility to adjust their strategies based on their learning preferences. Through…
In the terms of foreign language learning, the role of vocabulary learning is very important and indivertible. However, some of the students are still lacking in mastering English vocabulary, then …
Beberapa program madrasah di MTs Muhammadiyah Batang diselenggarakan dalam rangka sebagai pembiasaan karakter siswa. Karakter yang mencerminkan nilai-nilai islami siswa dalam belajar ini yang menja…
This study aimed to investigate the influence of self-efficacy beliefs on students' self-regulated learning through YouTube. The participants were university students who engaged in self-regulated …
Tiktok is one of the applications that can be used to help students for self-regulated English learning. This study aims to find out how the students use TikTok English learning by focusing on Pana…
Kata Kunci: Resiliensi Matematis, Self Regulated Learning, Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah. Kemampuan pemecahan masalah siswa kelas XI di SMA Negeri 1 Wonotunggal tergolong rendah. Hal ini terlihat da…
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kurangnya kesadaran siswa untuk meningkatkan self-regulated learning dan sikap siswa. Seperti belajar mengevaluasi hasil ujian sekolah dengan membahas soal-soal…