Campur kode adalah mencampurkan satu bahasa dengan bahasa lain dengan mencampurkan pengucapannya. Penggunaan campur kode di masyarakat sudah menjadi hal yang lumrah. Hal ini terjadi pada saat latih…
English is known as international language which is often used by many people to communicate with foreign people or just for mixing terms in their conversation to look cooler when talking. The rese…
Code-mixing is mixing of two or more languages in one sentence. The lack of English communication ability in students is a common problem. This study aimed to analyze students' perceptions of the u…
This research aims to examine the use of the South Jakarta language style in learning English. A qualitative case study approach was used in this research to explain students' experiences regarding…
In online learning, students often switch and mix codes, Indonesian-English or English Indonesian, in expressing their idea. This study aims to explore why students use code-switching and code-mixi…