Career planning is important for someone, especially for English Education Department students. This career planning is a step to help them make a career that interests them. Careful career plannin…
Writing is one of the English communication skills that people can use to communicate thoughts, feelings, and opinions in written form. In this era of globalization, teachers need to arouse student…
Self-regulated learning is the ability to generate and monitor one's own thoughts, feelings and behavior to achieve a goal. This research aims to determine students' experiences while learning Engl…
Writing is one of the skills that students have when learning English. Grammar errors are one of the challenges students face when asked to write a text. This research was conducted to find out the…
This study aims to describe how the Harvest Moon game assists students' vocabulary learning by incidental learning and what are the difficulties when playing Harvest Moon. This research uses qualit…
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh ketertarikan peneliti dengan peserta didik di SD Negeri Rowocacing yang mayoritas sudah memiliki karakter yang mencerminkan karakter religius di lingkungan seko…