Investigating The Use Of X Auto-Base Account @englishfess_ For Self-Regulated Learning In Grammar Mastery
elf-regulated learning (SRL) empowers students to take responsibility for their academic journey, giving them the flexibility to adjust their strategies based on their learning preferences. Through the self-regulated learning practice, students are expected to promote their grammar mastery independently using a newly introduced X's social media account, @englishfess_. This study explored how students apply self-regulated learning strategies to improve their grammar using @englishfess_ autobase account and the challenges they encounter. This qualitative study employed a case study design which focused on experience. By using a semi-structured interview for collecting the data and qualitative data analysis techniques from Creswell and Gutterman, the study identified nine strategies in the practice of SRL and six challenges in the process of that that high school students faced while participating in the study. The study's findings indicate that the @englishfess_ autobase account has a big potential to effectively support students' self-regulated learning practices for mastering grammar as well as other skill in English.
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