Error Analysis Of Using Simple Present Tense In Descriptive Text Written By The Students Of Senior High School
One of the challenges that students face when writing is grammar errors. The main objective of this study was to determine the common grammatical errors made by students at Wonotunggal Senior High School. The purpose of this study was to categorize, identify, and illustrate the percentage of each kind of student error. The type of research is qualitative research the using descriptive techniques. The research subjects were tenth-grade students at Wonotunggal Senior High School. The instrument used is documentation of student writing about descriptive text. Grammatical error identified in student writing is investigated using the Surface Strategy Taxonomy by Dulay et al. The findings show that the total error is 65 errors. The most common errors were omissions (39 errors/ 60%), followed by additions (13 errors/ 20,0%), misformations (11 errors/ 16,9%), and misorderings (2 errors/ 3,1%). From these results, it can be concluded that students still have difficulty learning the grammatical structure in the writing process.
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