An Analysis of First-Year Students's Abilities and Difficulties in writing Descriptive Text at Senior High School
All students must learn to write as one of the English skills, especially in senior high school. Writing a descriptive text is challenging for students, especially first-year senior high school students who are starting to write longer texts. This study aims to investigate the students’ abilities and difficulties by seeing and analyzing their texts. The subjects of this study are 10 students in one of the senior high schools in Batang. In collecting the data, the researcher used test and interview methods. The researcher used mixed methods. The author used quantitative methods to analyze students’ abilities in writing descriptive texts. The results of the tests showed that the students’ ability in writing descriptive text was categorized as good. Regarding the result of students’ difficulties in writing descriptive texts, the author uses a qualitative method through interviews. Most of them have difficulty composing sentences in English and a failure to pay attention to punctuation when writing descriptive text. From the results, the researcher is able to conclude that students have an understanding of the writing of descriptive text. The total mean score of the students was 12.5 with a total final score of 62.5. This means that the students’ abilities were good. Though their scores are good, they can put more effort into improving their writing skills with lots of practice writing and reading books so that they get lots of vocabulary and can write better. Although the students had some difficulties in writing descriptive text, they could finish their writing well.
Keyword: Students’ Ability and Difficulty, Writing Skills, Descriptive Text
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