The purpose of this study was to find out the use of verbal and non-verbal communication by pre-service teachers in the EFL classroom and how it affects students. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method with a case study approach. The data collection in this study uses observation, documentation, and interview methods. The participants in this study consisted of two male, and two female students majoring in English education at one of the universities in Pekalongan who are conducting teaching internship programs in two different senior secondary schools around Pekalongan area for 45 days, with a total of 4 videos. The data analysis from this research uses interactive data analysis techniques by Milles and Huberman which consists of four data analysis processes; data collection, data reduction, display data, and drawing conclusions. The findings show that all categories of verbal communication as mentioned in the FLINT system had been applied by the participants; dealing with feelings, praising or encouraging, using ideas of students, giving questions, giving information, giving directions, and criticizing student behavior. Meanwhile, nonverbal communication found includes facial expression, gesture or body language, posture, eye contact, appearance, personal space or proxemic, and voice or paralinguistics. The use of appropriate verbal and nonverbal communication as a teaching strategy can have a positive effect on students, and make learning be more effective and communicative.
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