Latar belakang masalah penelitian ini ialah kendala yang guru hadapi dalam mengembangkan kemampuan Bahasa Inggris pada siswa kelas IV. Antara lain: Kurangnya dukungan dilingkungan sekitar, siswa ya…
Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi penggunaan Vocabulary Self-collection Strategy (VSS) sebagai metode pengajaran bahasa Inggris untuk mengembangkan penguasaan kosakata siswa di sebuah Sekolah Menengah …
Kesalahan pengucapan merupakan permasalahan yang terjadi pada pembelajar bahasa asing dalam proses pembelajaran pengucapan bahasa Inggris. Kesalahan pengucapan dapat menyebabkan pendengar salah mem…
Pronunciation is one of the important aspects of English that requires lifelong learning. language is dynamic and continues to develop as new words and phrases. When EFL learners encounter new word…
The English Speech Practice Program is an effective activity to help students improve their English speaking ability through structured and varied practice. This research aims to find out and dig d…
This study aims to investigate the incidental learning process in the vocabulary development of EFL students through Instagram content. Utilizing Kerka's (2000) incidental learning theory, the rese…
This research was carried out in one of the junior high schools in Pekalongan regency. The purpose of this research is to find out how aspects of listening skills using English songs can help stude…
This study aims to find out students' experiences when using tongue twisters in the autonomy learning process to help English pronunciation of grade XI students. Data collection in this study used …
Banyak penelitian yang membahas mengenai masalah mahasisawa EFL pada kemampuan pronunciation, namun pembahasan mengenai pengucapan bunyi konsonan bahasa Inggris masih kurang mendapat perhatian. Pen…
This research aims to examine students who learn English through digital methods with an Informal Digital approach with the strategy of watching movies with Netflix. Researcher will focus on studyi…