Akhlak adalah suatu sikap yang mutlak dimiliki seseorang agar dapat menciptakan kedamaian dan keselarasan dalam hidup dan dalam pendidikan akhlak sendiri ialah sebuah usaha yang dilakukan secara sa…
The use of technology in learning English as a foreign language (EFL) has become a topic of research interest in recent years. One technology that has been widely used is TED-Ed, an online learning…
This research focused on students’ perceptions of adopting animation videos as an educational tool in learning English vocabulary. This study used a qualitative with case study approach. Semi-str…
The use of YouTube channels as a learning medium really helps teachers in developing students' speaking skills. This research aims to explore EFL teachers' experiences in developing speaking skills…
This research aims to find out how teachers experience teaching using the Tongue Twister Game, both positive and negative experiences. Data collectors in this research used interview and observatio…
This research aims to explore how university students build their self-confidence in English debate and critical thinking classes. To achieve the research objectives, the researcher used the narrat…
Penanaman pendidikan karakter religius melalui kegiatan keagamaan peserta didik perlu dilakukan karena banyaknya perilaku menyimpang dari norma-norma terutama kemerosotan akhlak yang terjadi pada g…
Speaking is a complex skill that needs to be trained continuously and definitely in conducive situations. It is not an easy thing to teach speaking to junior high school EFL students. The aim of …
Kata Kunci: Implementasi metode al-Husna, Pembelajaran membaca Al-Qur’an Mengajarkan membaca al-Qur’an pada anak usia dini bukan suatu hal yang mudah, selain memerlukan pengetahuan se…