This study aims to find out how students in Pekalongan master English vocabulary using English manga. Data taken from semi-structured interviews. This research will involve eight non-English studen…
Kata Kunci: Nilai-nilai Akhlak Religius, Film Animasi Film kartun atau animasi menjadi cerita yang menarik dan mudah dipahami oleh karena informasi yang didapati mereka via televisi atau YouT…
The involvement of technology in the world of education nowadays is considered to be able to improve the quality of education. This is a qualitative study that aims to know how the involvement of t…
Motivation is crucial in the educational world and must be maintained. It will almost surely increase learning results with motivation. This narrative research aims to investigate students' percept…
The implementation of extensive reading well can support student success in learning foreign languages. This study aims to report on the challenges of junior high school teachers in implementing ex…
Kata Kunci: Pandemi, PJJ, Kesulitan Orangtua, Solusi Orangtua, Pendampingan dan pola asuh serta peran orangtua sangat menentukan bagaimana keberhasilan pendidikan anaknya kelak. Tataran …
Google Classroom is an application that makes it easy for teachers and students to do online learning, and one of the features presented in Google Classroom is the assignment feature. This study ai…
This study aims to explore students barriers in mastering grammar also looking for solutions to overcome the barriers. There are fives students from 7th semester of English department of an univers…
Kata Kunci : Pendidikan Agama, Single Parent, Kedisiplinan Anak. Pendidikan agama dalam keluarga merupakan pendidikan yang diberikan orang tua kepada anak di lingkungan keluarga untuk membentuk ke…
This reflective case study is based on a lecturer strategy in teaching online English Debate Course as an online instructional approach. Through direct interviews with one of the lecturers on the E…