Practical approach in teaching public speaking is a requirements to make sure that students not only understand the material theoretically but they can also perform speeches on public based on it. …
In Indonesia, the 2013 curriculum was implemented in 2013 and is still used until now. The application of the 2013 curriculum is the actualization of learning activities, the activities can be a st…
This study investigated the problem that often arises in learning English as a foreign language, namely speaking anxiety, which causes unsuccessful communication. Therefore, this study aimed to ide…
Speaking is a way of expressing oneself that seeks to demonstrate emotion and convey feelings. Students generally struggle with this aspect of learning English, especially those in primary school w…
To create a comfortable conversation in learning activities, it is necessary to use politeness in communication. During the Covid-19 pandemic, the learning activities had to be shifted from face-to…
Kata Kunci : Servant Leadership, Karakter Religius Guru Dan Siswa. Salah satu komponen penting dalam manajemen sekolah adalah peran kepala sekolah sebagai pemimpin pendidikan yang secara …
English is a global language and vital in many fields, including technology, science, entertainment, business, and education. In addition, English is used in Indonesian education. Teaching Englis…
Kata Kunci: Strategi, Pengelola Perpustakaan, Minat Baca Literasi Islam Pengelola perpustakaan mempunyai tugas untuk menyusun rencana strategi perpustakaan agar minat baca pengunjung itu meningkat…
The purpose of this study was to find out the use of verbal and non-verbal communication by pre-service teachers in the EFL classroom and how it affects students. This study uses a qualitative desc…